(In the
Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
All praise
is for Allah. Darood (Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad,
his Family, and his Companions.
The Arabic
letter Meem is equivalent to the letter 'M' in the English alphabet.
It is the first letter in the name of our Prophet Muhammad [s]. Meem in Arabic numerology which is known as Abjad, has the
value of 40.
This article is a continuation
from Meem Part 1.
The letter Meem has two
aspects. One is the spiritual side and the other is physical or
material side.
The physical side of a person is veiled from the
spiritual side by 40 veils.
Forty is also the numerical value
of Meem.
In order to lift these veils, a person must seclude and
meditate in the remembrance of Allah for 40 days.
One by one the
veils get lifted if Allah Wills. At the end of the 40 days spiritual
and physical connection is made.
The outward performance of prayer
also has an inner meaning.
The outward sound of a prayer also
has an inner meaning.
In this article some of the words / verses
of the Quran will be discussed which are connected with the letter
Let us start with the first Revelation received by Muhammad
from Allah through Jibraeel ().
1 Read: In the name of your Lord
who created,
2 Created man from a clot.
3 Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful
4 He Who taught (the use of) the
5 Taught man that which he knew not
[Quran: Al
Alaq Chapter 96]
Looking at the Arabic
letters of the first revelation.
The message starts with Arabic
letter Alif () and
ends with the Arabic letter Meem () which
again hints creation started by Allah and finishing with the creation
of the Light of Muhammad
. (see
Meem Part 1).
Then Allah created the first Prophet Adam ()
() whose name starts with the letter
Alif and ends with the letter Meem.
He sent the Prophet Isa () as the completion of the circle
of Messengers who were sent to their own communities and sealed
that circle with the arrival of Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah to all the communities.
After the Opening Chapter
(one) Al Fatihah of the Quran in which the seeker asks Allah for
guidance, the next Chapter (two), Al Baqara starts with the Arabic
letters Alif Laam Meem.
the greatest verse in the Quran which is Ayat ul Kursi, starts
with Alif and ends with
(Quran Al
Baqara Chapter 2 verse 255).
Then the third Chapter
Al Imran also starts with Alif
Laam Meem.
But this time there is an accent (zabar or fatha) on the letter
Meem to highlight or emphasize the letter Meem. Why?
To ask Allah for a favor,
Allah teaches us how to approach Him. The first example is:
26 Say: Allahumma Owner of Power you
give Power to whom You please and You strip off power from whom
You pleaseYou
bless with honour whom You please and You abase whom You please;
in Your hand is all Good. You have power over all things.
[Quran Al
Imran Chapter 3]
What does
Most people
translate it as O
means O Allah,
then what does Ya
Allah mean?
the translation will be O
Allah. I
f both
and Ya Allah both translate to
O Allah, then why do we need two different forms in Arabic
to say the same thing?
If we look at the Arabic script,
Allahumma is written
Allahumma is the Name Allahappended
with the letter Meem.
Allahummastarts with
Alif and ends with Meem.
114 Said Isa son of Maryam: "Allahumma
Rabbana! send us from heaven a table set that there may be for
us for the first and the last of us a solemn festival and a sign
from You; and provide for our sustenance for You are the best
[Quran: Al
Maida Chapter 5]
When we tag a
Meem after the Name Allah, and ask by saying
we recognize Allah as our Creator and we also
recognize Muhammad
as the Messenger
of Allah.
When we ask Allah by saying
what we are really saying is Allah, we love You and follow your
Messenger Muhammad
31 Say: "If you do love Allah
follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins for Allah
is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful."
[Quran: Al
Imran Chapter 3]
Now let us look for the
first Kalima in the Quran. The first Kalima (to testify)
There is no god only Allah, Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah
is revealed in the Quran in two halves.
The first half is revealed
in only two places in the entire Quran which is
There is no god only Allah.
The first mention is Chapter 37:
35 For they when they were told that
there is no
god only Allah
would puff themselves up with Pride.
[Quran: As
Saffat Chapter 37]
The second mention is
in Chapter 47:
19 Know therefore that
there is no god only Allah and ask forgiveness for the fault
and for the men and women who believe: for Allah knows how you
move about and how you dwell in your homes.
[Quran: Muhammad
Chapter 47]
The completion of the
Kalima only occurs once in the entire Quran in Chapter 48:
Muhammad IS the Messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are
strong against Unbelievers (but) compassionate amongst each other.
[Quran: Fath
Chapter 48]
Allah placed His half
of the Kalima in the Chapter that is named after His Beloved (Muhammad
which starts with
the letter Meem) and placed His Beloved's half
of the Kalima in the Chapter of Fatha (Victory).
Notice the wording in
Chapter 48...those
who are with him (Muhammad
) are
strong against Unbelievers (but) compassionate amongst each other.
No wonder Muslims today
are weak against unbelievers and have no compassion amongst each
other, because they are not with Muhammad
they believe he is dead.
These Muslims cannot think beyond their
own physical bodies.
He IS with us spiritually.
The human body is the biggest veil.
Without the soul or the spirit,
the body is useless.
And the soul is the Breath of Allah. Victory
is for those who believe in Allah, and are with His Messenger
Since Allah loves the
Prophet Muhammad what is required
of a true Muslim? A true Muslim must love the Prophet Muhammad more than any other person, more
than even his or her parents. When a person loves the Prophet
Muhammad more than any other person (parents,
brothers, sisters, wife, husband, friends) then Allah loves that
person just because he or she loves His Beloved.
Allah will forgive a
person's sins just for the sake of that love.
Another example of 40
or Meem is: Allah sent Nuh (Noah ())
to warn his community to repent before the punishment of Allah
falls on them.
They rejected his warning. Allah then sent the
rain and flood which lasted 40 days.
With the rain and flood,
the world was purged of disbelievers, and there was a new beginning
for the world, morally and spiritually. The analogy of this is
the Message revealed to Muhammad
81 And say: "Truth has (now)
arrived and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature)
bound to perish."
82 We send down (stage by stage) in
the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe:
to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss.
[Quran: Al
Israa Chapter 17]
In the first case the
rain is a blessing for the people. It fertilizes fields, causes
crops to grow. But it can be a catastrophe if it causes floods.
The believers were saved and the disbelievers perished. The flood
was a blessing in the sense all the disbelievers and oppressors
were killed while all the believers were saved. Yet they lived
through the same rain. In the second case with the arrival of
and the revelation of Quran Majeed,
Truth arrived and falsehood perished. Quran Majeed is a blessing
for the believers and it causes loss to the unjust. Yet the verses
of the Quran remain the same, they do not change. The analogy
is hinted at by verse 17 of the same chapter:
17 How many generations have We destroyed
after Noah? And enough is your Lord to note and see the sins of
His servants.
[Quran: Al
Israa Chapter 17]
Meem itself when opened
up and written in Arabic as pronounced consists of
is Meem Ya Meem.
Adding the numerical values of
these letters (where Meem = 40 and
Ya = 10),
40 + 10 + 40 = 90.
The 0 in 90 represents the clot.
The clot was
mentioned right at the start in the first revelation Al Alaq Chapter 96 and the
chapter is also named The Clot.
The clot, forms into a human being
over 9 months.
This equates roughly to 40 weeks
for most normal pregnancies.
This was the theme of the first
revelation stated at the beginning of this article.
On the Throne the Name
of Allah that is inscribed is
The word
ar Rahm (the womb) is created from the attribute
Ar Rahman.
The Messenger
of Allah
said: 'Allah Says:
"That is ar Rahm (the womb) and I am Rahman. Whoever conceives
lawfully, has pleased Me and whoever conceives unlawfully, has
offended Me."'
further added, that the angels protect the seed of man for 40
Because until the age of 40 years the person is to gain
This brings this article back full circle to where
Meem Part 1 started.
There is no end to the
Knowledge of Allah through the Prophet Muhammad
Only Allah Knows Best. May Allah open up our eyes and minds (Ameen).
Darood (Blessings)
and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions.
Khalid M. Malik
Al Mummeet,
Al Malik, Al Maleek, Al Mu min,
Al Muhaiymin,
Al Mutakabbir, Al Musawwir,
Al Muta-ali,
Al Mubeen, Al Mawla, Al Muheet,
Al Mustaan,
Al Mannan, Al Muhyiy, Al Muizz,
Al Muzzil,
Al Mu tiy, Al Mujeeb, Al Majd, Al Majeed,
Al Mateen,
Al Muqtadir, Al Muqsit, Al Muqeet,
Al Mughniy,
Al Muhsiy, Al Muqaddam, Al Muakhir,
Al Mubdiy,
Al Man am, Al Muneem, Al Maanee,
Al Muhtasib,
Al Mustabeen, Al Mueez, Al Mueen,
Al Muntaqim,
Al Mahmood, Al Mustagheseen,
Al Musabbib
al Asbaab,
Al Malik
al Mulk Zul Jalali Wal Ikram
(Blessings) and Salaam (Peace) on Muhammad, his Family, and his