Knowledge of Letters & Number,
Fawatih Letters of Muqatta'at
Value |
SAAD=90 |
FA=80 |
AYN=70 |
ZOIN=900 |
DHWAD=800 |
ZAL=700 |
KHA=600 |
SA=500 |
TA=400 |
SHEEN=300 |
RA=200 |
- Secrets of Muqatta'at in Hadiths of Prophet (s) Unlock The Secrets of Muqattaat in Prophet (s )Hadiths of the Importance of
Letters and Numbers It is related that Abu Bakr as-Siddiq said: في كل كتاب سر، وسره في القرآن فواتح القرآن For every book there is a secret and all of its secrets are in the Qur`an in the opening letters of the chapters
- Asma Husna & 201 Names of Sayedena Muhammad
Each of Allah names dress the names of The Prophet. Each name is under a number and emanation. Ilm Huroof secrets, muqatta'at Ilm Huroof science. Graph the beauty of Allah Attributes and how they dress The Eternal Rasul Allah
Secrets of the Power of 9 "The King", a Doorway into the Unseen.
The ninth stage is to return to your Cave, as Allah mentioned in Surat al-Kahf, "When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah, betake yourself to the Cave: your Lord will shower His mercies on you..." [18:16].
- Dua for Understanding Huroof Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu 'Anhu combined all this 'Ulum (knowledge) in a grand convocation in just one salaat. Ilm Huroof secrets muqatta'at Letters